New media and its influence on traditional media - a positive and a negative example

Today's blog is going to be about new media and its influence on a traditional media. The supreme goal would have been to find the most positive and the most negative influence of new social media on a traditional one, but I sincerely think this is a bit too hard. I think many people involved in marketing and students studying it, wrote hundreds of pages trying to answer this question. So to make life easier for myself, I am just going to simply provide two examples - one with negative and one with positive influence.

As a simple remainder here are some examples of traditional media - television advertisements, radio advertising, print advertising, direct mail advertisements, billboards and off-site signs, cold calling, door-to-door sales, banner ads and so on. As for new media, it includes Search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, content marketing, social media, email marketing and some others [1].

Is traditional media a rudiment? [2]

Positive influence

New media is somehow more environment friendly and it swifts traditional media to it. Let's take printing advertisements - if we take only traditional approach, then each brochure has to be always printed. So modern approach would be to have clients database and forward them electronic version of a newsletter if they prefer it. This is an example of good integration - when a society is used to some specific format, giving them an alternative approach makes transferring smooth, but not radical.

To confirm this idea, instead of searching for confirmation in the internet, I decided to take a traditional approach (an irony?) and called my friend. She is a specialist for new media marketing in Astri Group in Narva and she confirmed, that they chose a strategy, that new media does not replace a traditional one overall, but ties to focus on clients and distinguish what they want - to receive a print newsletter or an electronic one by simply asking client of their preference. She also added that their company has no problems with printing an extra copy of an advertisement, as long as it does not go straight to trash. This combination lowers the amount of printing and overall has a positive influence in my opinion.

Negative influence

New media tries to have a more personal approach - that is always an advantage... Or is it? By gathering information of a client, advertisement can become very focused, but what happens if this information is used by an impostor? And impostors will always try to use this information against you. One of the features of traditional media is that it seems more real. But what happens, if a person, calling you has more information about you, than they should? Luckily GDPR regulates the usage of personal data, but we cannot count on GDPR, when person calling you is actually a criminal, trying to use your data against you.

I personally once received a call from my mobile operator - they were offering me to switch to another mobile plan. They new what countries I have been to during a last year, what webpages I visited, whom I called most and so on. This was prior to GDPR regulations, but it left me feeling, that they know something about me better than I do. And now imagine this data could be used by an impostor...




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