Management in IT - two different management types

Today I will write about managers in IT industry and I would like to provide two examples. I thought that I could write about some famous real manager, but it would require to investigate a lot of time in it and still I will be speculating, as I will make my suggestions based on others opinion (which is not always fair). I also felt that my knowledge about famous managers is too week to provide any good information.

So when I was thinking how to provide an example of problems in management in IT and two different management styles, I came to an idea that I can provide a good example actually based on a movie. This way I will not mislead about a real person and anyone can actually see a movie and see the problems in IT management. The movie I will be talkin about is called "The intern".

Two types of managers[1]

So in this movie we have two managers:

Jules Ostin - a young and successful start-up owner. She is a leader as a manager and tries to develop a company and bring everyone to success. She also has some traits of a change agent and tries to be very innovative. The problem which she faces is that she struggles with greatly scaling company - she tries to stay as a leader and control every process. This leads to time-management problems and problems with micromanagement. In a movie a good example of her problems as a manager is a table in a middle of an office where everyone can put their stuff and which eventually became a total mess.

Ben Whittaker - a senior manager who receives an intern job in Jules' company. It seems that he has a wide variety of management skills. He has a very strong coach and some mentor traits in his management type. He tries to help everyone to develop their skills. Although in the movie he actually does not have a manager position per se, it is clearly seen that at some point his role in company is significant. He shows Jules that she should prioritize important stuff and try to trust more her employees and not to pull everyone only by herself.

In this movie we can see how hard managing in IT could be and how different types of management can be useful. It also shows how important development is for a manager themself and which difficulties they can face.



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